8th August, 2017
2016 winners’ anthology now available!

Our anthology of stories by the 2016 winners, Adventures in Time Travel, is now available in print or as a download. Lose yourself in different times and countries, and be inspired to write your own YWSP entry!
The book features stories by the two 2016 category winners Demelza Mason and Alice Sargent, and two runners-up Sophia Bassi and Gregory Davison. Introduced by 2013 Walter Scott Prize winning author Tan Twan Eng, whose book The Garden of Evening Mists was also shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, the anthology also includes a message from YWSP founder and sponsor, the Duchess of Buccleuch, and more details about the prize.
Included in the anthology are:
Smuggler’s Moon by Demelza Mason (winner, 11-15 age group)
When all looks lost, a young Cornish smuggler dreams up an outrageous way of outwitting the local excise men
The Greatest Gift by Alice Sargent (winner, 16-19 age group)
Welsh settlers in Patagonia in the 19th Century encounter hardships for which they are totally unprepared, but receive help from an unexpected source
Dear Mother by Sophia Bassi (runner-up, 11-15 age group)
A daughter writes to her suffragette mother, detailing her growing involvement in the movement which has led to her mother’s inprisonment
Marching for the Dream by Gregory Davison (runner-up, 16-19 age group)
Standing in the Washington crowd waiting to hear Martin Luther King on August 28th 1963, is a man with a particular and personal reason to be there…
Copies of Adventures in Time Travel are available FREE by emailing us here, giving your postal address. If you would like multiple copies, we will ask you to pay for postage. You can also download a pdf of Adventures in Time Travel by clicking on this link.
See Demelza Mason and Alice Sargent reading extracts from their stories at the Borders Book Festival in the videos below.