30th August, 2016
Our first winners’ anthology is published

You can now read the winning stories by our 2015 winners Joe Bradley, Rosi Byard-Jones, Iseabail Duncan and Alexander Leggatt, in a special anthology, When In The World?, published to celebrate the first year of the Young Walter Scott prize.
A tin trunk unopened for decades since its return from China, a musical instrument used as an instrument of war in Indonesia, hats worn by whalers out in the stormy North Sea and a conversation between two men which led to the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 – each of the four stories draws on memories and artefacts, weaving them into an imaginative evocation of a particular time and a place. The young writers featured in our very first anthology have created stories rooted in the facts, but enriched by their own unique perspective.
When In The World? is available in print or as a pdf download. You can download the YWSP 2015 winners anthology here, or if you would like a free printed and bound copy, available by sending us a stamped addressed envelope, please drop us an email at info@youngwalterscottprize.co.uk.